Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tuesdays with Morrie

I finally got a chance to read this book today because I forgot to bring a book to the hospital. Since I hate waiting in line without something to read, I had the perfect excuse to buy a book. I also thought it was the kind of book I needed because I sometimes felt empty and without a sense of purpose even if I normally accomplish a lot every day.

I finished the book in one sitting. It did not live up to the hype - probably because I have read other inspirational and self-help books - but it was a heartwarming read all the same. What struck me most was his advice to Mitch that you only learn how to live when you know how to die. That is something I need to remind myself whenever I feel in a rut. Everyday, I need to ask that little bird whether today is the day. Life is too precious to be squandered on worrying.

Surprisingly, I find that I am already applying many of Morrie's aphorisms. I know how to detach myself from what I feel and I am not too attached to material things (no ipod, no car, cable tv!). And while I would prefer living a long life, I am not afraid to die at 23 because I have loved and let myself be loved.

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