Monday, November 9, 2009

On the Road

Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty are today's equivalent of people going through a quarter-life crisis. In their case, however, both having failed at their marriage, they seem to have never overcome the crisis. They are a bunch of beat men, hitchhiking and driving across the country several times just for kicks. Life is a series of adventures with no particular goal except to run out of land and reach the sea, the end of the road.

On the Road is a mad series of journeys across America, taking in the thrills of drinking and drugs and jazz music with little regard for the past or the future or the families left behind. It was great to be part of this journey knowing I myself cannot take it for then I would have to be mad or intoxicated as Dean was. Still, it has kindled a desire to be on the road, to see wide expanses of land, to drive up and down mountains, to reach the sea.

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